Preparedness Fundamentals

Why Plan for an Emergency?

Why Plan for an Emergency? 3009

Did you know Oregon is considered an all-hazard state? While Southern Oregon is a beautiful place to live, we are vulnerable to disasters. Many of these disasters have already occurred here and undoubtedly will again. During some of these events, you may be able to stay in your home, but you could be without power, water or other services. It's important to plan for disasters at home as well as those that may occur while you are away from home.

TIP: During a large-scale event emergncy services may not be available. Be sure to have plans, skills and supplies for all types of events.

The top hazards in the Rogue Valley have been identified as:

  • Fire
  • Earthquake
  • Hazardous Materials Spills
  • Infectious Disease
  • Heat/Winter Storms
  • Utility Failure
  • Flood

Rogue Valley residents are fortunate that local emergency managers have developed an effective and cooperative emergency response system. Throughout Josephine and Jackson Counties, agencies work together to prepare for any emergencies that come our way.

While agencies may be in a state of readiness for disasters, there is no substitute for individual preparedness. Our Oregon state standard for preparedness is "2 Weeks Ready," but Josephine and Jackson County Emergency Management recommend that you plan for longer term events. You are not being asked to deal with emergencies alone, but your individual preparedness efforts will allow emergency service agencies to assist those in life-threatening situations. This preparedness guide will help you to be the help until help arrives.

Your plan will work best when everyone included agrees to operate within its guidelines. Our handbook is provided as a guide and if followed, you'll have plans, skills and supplies to help you through any kind of disaster. Once you are prepared, it will be time to plan with your neighbors. In times of disaster they will probably be the first ones available to come to your aid, or they may be in need of your help. Find out before disaster strikes what skills and resources you and your neighbors have and how you can work together. Good luck!

Be sure your plans, skills and equipment are appropriate for all types of conditions -

  • Can you start a fire in the rain or in freezing temperatures?
  • Can you evacuate your home in total darkness?
  • Review your plan every six months!

Your plan is only as good as your drills! Do drills often! Drills help work out issues and details that you may not
otherwise consider:

  • Is your child strong enough to open their window?
  • Does the emergency ladder reach the ground?
  • Will your pet behave differently with the heightened activity?
  • Do your emergency kits fit in your vehicle with your family and pets?

Documents to download
