News & Information

Month 12

/ Categories: Preparedness Calendar
Month 12 740


  • Gather your Evac Box supplies together. These are not items you purchase, but rather they are sentimental items, as well as financial, medical and legal documents that need to be stored in an easy-to-carry container, in a convenient location.
  • In this final month of preparation, look at getting involved in your community through volunteering. Shelters, food banks, donation centers, etc. are staffed by volunteers. This service can only be provided if local people volunteer.

Training - Train or Be Trained

Shore up what you've already learned and fill in any gaps so that you feel prepared to be the help until help arrives.

Supplies - Gather or Purchase

  • Get a bin or two for your Evac Box supplies. Review your Bug Out Bag supplies.
  • Gather or purchase the missing items.
  • Add water and food for an additional three days. Make sure to have a good protein source!
  • Add books, games, cards or other non-electronic entertainment to your kits.
  • Start your calendar over next month and rotate any items that may have expired.
  • Pick up supplies you may have skipped; review your plans and continue training so your skills do not expire.