News & Information

Month 9

/ Categories: Preparedness Calendar
Month 9 654


  • Make sure everyone in your plan knows the steps to take to make it successful, even if they are the only one able to carry it out.
  • Does everyone know where to go, who to call, where the supplies are, etc.?
  • Talk with your group about each event and what the plan of action is.

Training - Train or Be Trained

  • Learn to turn off your gas and water mains in the event of an earthquake.
  • If you have a hand pump on your well, learn how to use it.
  • This is a good time for a weekend experiment - live in your home for a weekend without the use of light, heat, water or anything electronic (TV, radio, phones, etc.). What skills and supplies did you find you needed to succeed if it had been an actual emergency?

Supplies - Gather or Purchase

  • Gather or purchase the tools and/or missing items from the kit lists. You likely have most of these items around your home.
  • Consider whether or not you want paper plates, plasticware and napkins during an emergency or extra dish soap, water and towels.
  • Make a list and purchase necessary items.
  • Add water and food for three days - don't forget coffee, tea or other favorite drinks.