News & Information

National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day

National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day 605

Prepare for fire season! Reduce the risk from wildfire by removing flammable vegetation around your home. 

The first Saturday in May is nationally designated as Wildfire Community Preparedness Day to encourage people, neighborhoods, and organizations everywhere to come together on a single day to take action to raise awareness and reduce wildfire risks. Wildfire Community Preparedness Day also highlights the importance of Firewise Communities.

To help you get rid of the material you remove when creating defensible space around your home, several organizations in Jackson and Josephine County are waiving fees for FREE green woody debris drop-off. 

Jackson County
Biomass One, 2350 Avenue G, White City; May 6 and 7; 7 am to 5 pm.
Items that are not accepted: Garbage, grass clippings, blackberry vines, start thistle, scotch broom, pine needles, straw, stumps, root balls, railroad ties.

Josephine County
Republic Services Merlin Transfer Station, 1749 Merlin Road, Grants Pass; May 6; 10 am to 2 pm; Two load limit.

Southern Oregon Sanitation Redwood Avenue Transfer Station, 1381 Redwood Ave, Grants Pass; May 7; 9 am to 3 pm; One free cubic yard, material size 4” diameter and no longer than 6 feet in length, any additional loads will be $5 a cubic yard.

Proof of Josephine County residency is required for Southern Oregon Sanitation and Republic Services, a driver’s license is acceptable.
The following items will NOT be accepted: garbage, blackberry vines, start thistle, scotch broom, straw

Documents to download
