Family Emergency Preparedness Handbook RVEM / Wednesday, April 27, 2022 / Categories: HOME, Jackson County, Josephine County, Get Ready Rogue, Preparedness Fundamentals, Resources 8602 GET READY ROGUE Southern Oregon is a beautiful place to live, but we are vulnerable to disasters, such as fires, floods, severe storms, earthquakes, dam failures, landslides and hazardous spills. Many of these disasters have already occurred here and undoubtedly will again. During a disaster, you may be able to stay in your home, but it could be without power or water. This preparedness guide and family workbook will help you to be ready for whatever emergencies may occur. Documents to download Family Emergency Preparedness Handbook (.pdf, 20.47 MB) - 3816 download(s) Complete Handbook Chapter 1 - HAZARDS (.pdf, 9.57 MB) - 3053 download(s) Chapter 2 - FUNDAMENTALS (.pdf, 7.68 MB) - 3036 download(s) Chapter 3 - SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS (.pdf, 3.41 MB) - 2943 download(s) Chapter 4 - KITS (.pdf, 2.6 MB) - 3129 download(s) Chapter 5 - RESOURCES (.pdf, 4.8 MB) - 3124 download(s) Print