Resources “Be Ready, Be Set, Go” It is important to be familiar with “Be Ready, Be Set, Go” – a statewide evacuation system used to notify communities facing a threat, or potential threat, to lives and property.
Resources GET READY ROGUE Family Emergency Preparedness Handbook This preparedness guide and family workbook will help you to be ready for whatever emergencies may occur.
Resources Neighborhood Preparedness Neighborhood preparedness refers to a neighborhood-wide effort to share the training, education and resources that each person has in order to prepare in advance for disaster on a collective level.
Resources Personal and Family Preparedness The prospect of “getting prepared for emergencies” can seem like a huge undertaking. Do you prepare for three days? For a week? A month?
Resources Fire Extinguishers A fire extinguisher is a storage container for a fire-extinguishing agent such as water or chemicals.
Resources Helpful Tips on Signing Up for Alerts If you don't have a landline, you will not be notified unless you register another contact option.
Resources Evacuations Evacuations are conducted to save lives and allow responding personnel to focus on the emergency at hand.